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Trusted by global DTC brands
This is a report of orders made by other businesses. It contains customer, revenue, and fulfillment details. This hop extracts all order information from Shopify within the specified time period.
This information can also be used as report filters, giving you the ability to create order segments to track by scheduling reports.
How to use this Hop.
Simply create an Airboxr account and connect your Shopify store to automatically run this export/analysis for your store. If you already have an account, click on the Add to my Collection button above.
Strategic Planning for B2B Growth: With insights from the report, e-commerce stores can strategically plan for B2B growth. This includes identifying high-value business clients, tailoring marketing strategies to target specific industries or regions, and implementing measures to enhance the overall experience for business customers. Learn how En-Gold used this report to grow their trade sales by 450%.
Revenue Analysis: The report includes crucial revenue metrics such as subtotal, shipping, total sales, and discount amount. E-commerce stores can analyze the revenue generated from orders made by other businesses and use this information for setting sales targets and performance evaluations.
Geographical Analysis: Billing and shipping details, including city, zip, and country, enable e-commerce stores to conduct geographical analysis. Understanding where business clients are located using shipping information can inform decisions related to shipping strategies, regional marketing initiatives, and expansion efforts based on demand in specific locations.
Discount Code Effectiveness: The inclusion of discount code details in the report enables e-commerce stores to evaluate the effectiveness of different discount strategies with business clients. Analyzing discount usage and redemption rates can inform decisions about ongoing promotions and loyalty programs for business customers.
In This Report
Total Sales
Discount Amount
Grouped By
Order Name
Financial Status
Fulfillment Status
Closed At
Discount Code
Created At
Company Name
Main Contact
Main Contact E-mail
Customer Name
Customer E-mail
Billing Name
Billing City
Billing Zip
Billing Country
Shipping Name
Shipping City
Shipping Zip
Shipping Country
Payment Method
Risk Level
Sales Channel
Cancellation Status
Connect your Shopify store and automate this report. You will never have to manually work with data again.