50% off on all plans for 12 months

Automate all your spreadsheet reporting with Airboxr, choose from 150+ automated reports designed in collaboration with the fastest-growing DTC brands around the world.

Trusted by 100's of fast-growing DTC brands around the world

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How to redeem your special offer.

Three simple steps to get your special benefits.


Start free trial

Install the Airboxr app from the Shopify App store to start your free trial.


Use the coupon code.

Go to your Settings page, select a plan, and use the coupon:


We solve universal problems for global brands.

How we've helped leading brands around the world.

Enabled recalculation of sales and margins according to their internal standards.

Enabled recalculation of sales and margins according to their internal standards.

Automated financial models for strategy design.

Automated financial models for strategy design.

Identified products that drive LTV.

Identified products that drive LTV.

Increased purchase order accuracy by 3X.

Increased purchase order accuracy by 3X.

Identified the right time to launch new collections.

Identified the right time to launch new collections.

Automated multi-brand business performance dashboards.

Automated multi-brand business performance dashboards.

Automated paid & organic marketing reports for multiple brands.

Automated paid & organic marketing reports for multiple brands.

Automated financial forecasting.

Automated financial forecasting.

Automated budget tracker for paid marketing.

Automated budget tracker for paid marketing.

Improved AOV by 16%.

Improved AOV by 16%.

Increased B2B trade sales by 450%.

Increased B2B trade sales by 450%.

Identified areas to free up cashflow.

Identified areas to free up cashflow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Wie funktioniert Airboxr?

Gibt es eine kostenlose Testversion?

Ich habe bereits interne Berichte erstellt. Kann ich Airboxr verwenden, um sie zu automatisieren?

Ich habe keinen Datenanalysten in meinem Team. Kann ich trotzdem Airboxr verwenden?

Ich habe mich bereits für ein Dashboarding-Tool angemeldet. Brauche ich trotzdem Airboxr?

Welche Integrationen kann ich verwenden?

Ist meine Daten sicher?